1982—1984年,华中工学院 ,工业自动化专业,获硕士学位;
1) 应用于上肢康复机器人的智能控制技术研究(2008.08-2010.12), 863项目(2008AA04Z207)
2) 人-康复机器人系统的交互作用机理和协同控制策略研究(2010.01-2012.12),国家自然科学基金(60975058),
3) XXXX 飞行器自适应鲁棒控制研究,(2012-2013),预研项目
4) 再入飞行器大范围横向机动制导方法研究,(2012-2013),预研项目
[1]. 王永骥,王金城、王敏,自动控制原理(第二版)(国家十一五规划教材),化学工业出版社,2007
[2]. Dangjun Zhao,Yongji Wang,Liu Lei,Wang ZhiShen ,Robust Fault-Tolerant Control of Launch Vehicle via GPI Observer and Integral Sliding Mode Control,Asian Journal of Control, 2013, 15(2): 614-623,SCI, EI
[3]. Xing, Kexin、Wang, Yongji、Zhu, Quanmin、Zhou, Hanying ,Modeling and control of McKibben artificial muscle enhanced with echo state networks,Control Engineering Practice, 2012,20(5):477-488,SCI,EI
[4]. Xing, Kexin、Huang, Jian、He, Jiping、Wang, Yongji、Xu, Qi、Wu, Jun ,Sliding mode tracking for actuators comprising pneumatic muscle and torsion spring,Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2012,34(2-3):255-277, SCI,EI
[5]. Wang Zhishen,Liu Lei,Wang Yongji,Zhao Dangjun ,A BMI Approach for H-2 Based Decomposition,International Journal of Control Automation and Systems, 2012,10(3):470-480, SCI,EI
[6]. Li, Chuanfeng,Liu Lei,Wang Yongji,Wang Zhishen ,Design of Robust H-infinity Control Law via LMI for Lifting Vehicle,Information-an International Interdisciplinary Journal, 2012, 15(1):149-156,SCI
[7]. Xie Fu-Qiang,Wang Yong-Ji,Hu Cheng-Yu,Zheng Zong-Zhun ,A Novel Migrant PSO Algorithm for Vehicle Reentry Trajectory Optimization ,Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2012, 9(2): 276-285, SCI,EI
[8]. Li Chuanfeng,Shu Yunxing,Wang Yongji ,Research on attitude tracking control of reentry vehicle via dynamic inversion method ,International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 2012, 4(14):170-178, EI
[9]. Zhao Dangjun,Wang Yongji,Liu Lei,GPI observer-based non-linear integral sliding mode control and synchronisation of uncertain chaotic system,International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 2012, 16(4): 363-371 ,EI
[10]. Chang Songtao, Wang Yongji, Liu Lei, Zhao Dangjun, Reentry trajectory optimization based on differential evolution ,World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2011, 80: 597-601, EI
[11]. Zhixiang Deng, Yongji Wang, Lei Liu, Quanmin Zhu. Guaranteed cost decoupling control of bank-to-turn vehicle. IET Control Theory and Applications. 2010, 4(9): 1594-1604.(SCI: 649HG)
[12]. Xing, Kexin, Huang, Jian,Wang Yongji, et al,Tracking control of pneumatic artificial muscle actuators based on sliding mode and non-linear disturbance observer ,IET Control Theory and Applications, 2010, 4(10): 2058-2070, (SCI,EI)
[13]. Zheng, Z., Wang, Y., Wu, H. An improved optimal guidance law with impact angle constraints based on genetic algorithms. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control. 2010, 10(1/2): 94-100.(EI)
[14]. Chuanfeng Li, LingLing Tang, Yongji Wang, Zongzhun Zheng. Research onProgramming Algorithm of Trajectory for Hypersonic Vehicles Based on Particle Swarm Optimization. Journal of Software. 2010,5(7):1003-1010(EI20102713057135)
[15]. Yongji Wang, Jiansheng Xu, Bo Wang, Quanmin Zhu, Guaranteed cost control with accommodation of position and rate limits in the second-order actuators. Intelnational Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 2009, 8(1): 25-31.(EI 20094312401738)
[16]. Hao Wu,Yongji Wang,Zongzhun Zheng. Robust non-linear feedback control for BTT missile with NN-based uncertainty estimation. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 2009, 8(2): 98-106.(EI 20094612451195)
[17]. 常松涛, 杨业, 王永骥, 吴浩, 计算再入飞行器可达区域的快速算法, 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2012,40(07), 1-5.(EI)