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陶文兵,男,博士,教授,博士生导师,1975年生,200412月在华中科技大学图像识别与人工智能研究所获模式识别与智能系统专业工学博士学位,现为华中科技大学365体育教授/博士生导师。200712月至20081月应邀去新加坡南洋理工大学数学系进行合作交流,20083月至20093月应邀在该系担任Research fellow研究职位,20106月至20109月在该系进行合作研究,201111月应邀在挪威奥斯陆大学国家数学应用研究中心进行访问研究并作邀请报告,期间申请者作为唯一来自亚洲国家的学者应邀参加在德国举行的Dagstuhl Seminar 11471 "Efficient Algorithms for Global Optimisation Methods in Computer Vision"并作了30分钟的研究报告,参会者均为德国政府资助邀请的国际知名学者。20151月应邀参加“三亚国际数学论坛——New Trends in Optimization for Imaging”并做了40分钟的研究报告。

申请者在国内外学术期刊和国际会议上共发表和录用论文60多篇,其中SCI收录35篇。所发表论文SCI他引200多次,Google引用累计1000余次。入选2014年中国高被引学者(Most Cited Chinese Researchers)计算机领域榜单目前承担International Journal of Computer Vision, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing24家国际期刊的审稿工作,与国内外专家学者建立了广泛的合作研究及学术交流联系。



[1]      Wenbing Tao*, Kunqian Li, Kun Sun, SaCoseg: Object Cosegmentation by Shape Conformability, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 24 (3), 943 – 955, 2015. (计算机学会A) (IF=3.111)

[2]      Kunqian Li, Wenbing Tao*, Adaptive Optimal Shape Prior for Easy Interactive Object Segmentation, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, DOI 10.1109/TMM.2015.2433795. (中科院二区)(IF=1.776)

[3]      Zhiguo Zhang, Wenbing Tao*, Pedestrian Detection in Binocular Stereo Sequence based on Appearance Consistency, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.(accept) (IF=2.259)

[4]      Kun Sun, Peiran Li, Wenbing Tao*, Yuanyan Tang, Feature Guided Biased Gaussian Mixture Model for image matching, Information Sciences, 295(20): 323-336, 2015. (中科院一区)(IF=3.893)

[5]      Wenbing Tao*, Xiangli Liao, Kunqian Li, Image Cosegmentation by Co-Diffusion,Information Sciences(accept) (中科院一区)(IF=3.893)

[6]      Wenbing Tao*, Kun Sun, Asymmetrical Gauss Mixture Models for Point Sets Matching. InProceeding of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Columbus, Ohio, USA, June 2014. (计算机学会推荐的A国际会议)

[7]      Wenbing Tao*, Yicong Zhou, Kunqian Li, Kun Sun, Zhiguo Zhang, Spatial Adjacent Bag of Features with Multiple Superpixels for Object Segmentation and Classification, Information Sciences. 218(4):373-385, 2014. (中科院一区)(IF=3.893)

[8]      C. Xu, T. Wang, J. Gao, S. Cao, W. Tao, F. Liu, An  Ordered-Patch-Based Image Classification Approach on the Image Grassmannian Manifold, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems25(4): 728-737, 2014. (中科院一区)(IF=4.370)

[9]      Y. Yang, S. Han, T. Wang, W. Tao, X.-C. Tai, Multilayer graph cuts based unsupervised color–texture image segmentation using multivariate mixed student's t-distribution and regional credibility merging, Pattern Recognition, 46(4): 1101-1124, 2013. (中科院二区)(IF=2.584)

[10]  Wenbing Tao*, Iterative Narrow Band based Graph Cuts Optimization for Geodesic Active Contours with Region Forces (GACWRF), IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 21(1): 284-296, 2012. (计算机学会A) (IF=3.111)

[11]  Liman Liu, Wenbing Tao*, Image Segmentation by Iteratively Optimization of Multiphase Multiple Piecewise Constant Model and Four-Color Relabeling, Pattern Recognition, vol. 44(12), pp.2819-2833, 2011. (中科院二区)(IF=2.584)

[12]  Shoudong Han, Wenbing Tao*, Xianglin Wu, "Texture Segmentation using Independent-scale Component-wise Riemannian-covariance Gaussian Mixture Model in KL Measure based Multi-Scale Nonlinear Structure Tensor Space, Pattern Recognition, vol. 44(3), pp. 503-518, 2011.(中科院二区)(IF=2.584)

[13]  Xiaobai Liu, Liang Lin, Hai Jin, Shuicheng Yan, Wenbing Tao. "Integrating Spatio-temporal Contextual Information for Target Recognition and Localization in Visual Surveillance". IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. vol. 21(4), pp.393-407, 2011. (IF=2.259)

[14]  Wenbing Tao*, Feng Chang, Liman Liu, Hai Jin, Tianjiang Wang, "Interactively Multiple Scenes Segmentation based on Variational Formulation and Graph Cuts", Pattern Recognition. Vol. 43, no.10, Oct. 2010, pp 3208-3218. (中科院二区)(IF=2.584)

[15]  Shoudong Han, Wenbing Tao*, Desheng Wang, Xue-cheng Tai, Xianglin Wu. Image Segmentation Based on GrabCut Framework Integrating Multi-scale Nonlinear Structure Tensor.IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. vol. 18, no. 10, pp 2289-2302, Oct. 2009. (计算机学会A) (IF=3.111)

[16]  Wenbing Tao*, Hai Jin, Yimin Zhang, Liman Liu, Desheng Wang. Image Thresholding Using Graph Cuts. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part A-Systems and Humans. v.38, no.5, pp1181-1195, Sep. 2008. (IF=2.169)

[17]  Wenbing Tao*, Hai Jin, Yimin Zhang. Color Image Segmentation Based on Mean Shift and Graph Cuts. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part B-Cybernetics. vol. 37, no.5, pp 1382-1389, Oct., 2007. (中科院二区)(IF=3.781)



[1] 国家自然科学基金“基于图像曲面流形分析及图割优化的协同图像分割”(No.61371140),2014.1~2017.12,主持人 
[2] 国家自然科学基金“基于多尺度拓扑匹配流的宽基线基础矩阵估计方法研究”(No.62074086),2013.1~2016.12,分主持,排名第二 
[3] 863计划“基于光场的真三维视频视点合成与显示系统”(No.2015AA015904),2015.1~2017.12,子课题负责人,排名第二
[4] 国家自然科学基金“基于自主尺度结构张量的彩色纹理分析方法研究”(No.61073093),2011.1~2013.12,主持人 
[5] 国家自然科学基金“基于图论分析的自然图像解析方法研究”(No.60603024),2007.1~2009.12,主持人(结题评价为“特优”)
[6] XX十二五预研项目,复杂场景XXXX图像地面目标匹配识别技术,2011.1~2015.12,排名第三